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Location: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USAWebsite: https://www.labxchange.org

Futurum Careers

Location: 61 Ravenglass Cres, Bristol BS10 6ep, UKWebsite: www.futurumcareers.comPhone: 07758233612

Surviving Science

My aim for this blog is to pass on my experiences of PhD life, the rough and the smooth.

Location: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UKWebsite: https://survivingscience.com


STEM East coordinates the STEM Ambassador Hub East Scotland to help inspire young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Location: Dunfermline, UKWebsite: http://stemeast.org.uk/

Epilepsy Sparks

Epilepsy Sparks aims to educate the public regarding epilepsy, reduce the feelings of loneliness and shame felt by many who are affected by epilepsy, and reduce discrimination faced by many people due to epilepsy.

Location: London, United KingdomWebsite: https://www.epilepsysparks.com/Phone: +44 (0) 207 118 2929

Simple Scimum

My name’s Kate and I created Simple Scimum to answer the questions my children ask about science, nature and the world around them.

Location: Bristol, UKWebsite: https://simplescimum.wordpress.com/