Student Scientist Partnerships
Student Scientist Partnerships bridges the gap between public school science teachers and practicing scientists to inspire a new generation of scientists.
STEM East coordinates the STEM Ambassador Hub East Scotland to help inspire young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Science...Sort Of
Science...Sort of is a podcast about things that are science, things that are sort of science, and things that wish they were science.
Science Soapbox
Science Soapbox provides the public with information and analysis on governance of science-related Congressional committees, and federal funding of scientific research agencies in the U.S. Science Soapbox is committed to bringing the most most up-to-date information regarding science funding to the public.
Science Festival Alliance
Our goal is to foster a professional community dedicated to more and better science and technology festivals.
Science Curves
Science Curves is a blog where I share my love for science and show how art and science have long existed and developed collaboratively.
The Radical Botanical
A blog about plant science communication, including conversations about health & welfare in academia, as well as stories from established professors and PhD students.